Iceland lifts its restrictions and welcomes travelers

Since last June 26, 2021, Iceland became the first Nordic country to lift all restrictions within its borders: wearing masks, social distance, limits on gatherings and opening hours.
Currently (July 2, 2021), 75.8% of the nation has been fully vaccinated, a fact that has filled the future for this summer with optimism. Although the authorities recommend continuing to take personal precautions and continue with personal hygiene, since the global pandemic is still in effect.
The good news for travelers is that from July 1 to August 15, 2021, border regulations have changed for people vaccinated or with previous Covid-19 infection, during the mentioned period they will be able to enter Iceland presenting a valid vaccination certificate or a valid certificate of previous infection, thus avoiding quarantine and the presentation of negative PCR upon arrival.
To find more detailed information visit our information page Covid-19 in Iceland