Volcanic eruption in Iceland - tectonic plates in Geldingadalur valley

A volcanic eruption has started in Iceland. The volcanic eruption is located in the Reykjanes peninsula. Near the town Grindavík. The name of the volcano is Geldingadalur. The volcanic eruption looks like a small one and should not be too much trouble, but who knows.
Now the lava is flowing from around 500 meters long volcanic fissure. The volcanic eruption is on the tectonic plates connecting Europe and North America. The tectonic plates in Reykjanes have been moving apart for the past weeks, crating thousands of earthquakes in the area. When the tectonic plates move apart magma finds a way through and pushes towards the ground. It is always hard to tell if the manga manages to push all the way creating a volcanic eruption with lava flowing on the ground or if the magma settles underneath the ground.
You can find live stream from the volcanic eruption here
Now the lava is flowing from around 500 meters long volcanic fissure.
Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management of Iceland as well as a scientist from Iceland met office is flying over the eruption.
The last volcanic eruption in Reykjanes was around 800 years ago. So now a new capture has started and scientists believe this might mean that we can expect more volcanic eruptions in this area in the coming years.
You can find the latest news here (Icelandic Met Office)
You can find the location here: